Help with spellings.

I hope we are all enjoying our first day of half term. Just to let you know, we have decided not to give spellings out over the half term, however, if you’re feeling keen, I am attaching two lists of spellings the children need to learn off the top of their heads because they are known tricky words. That means that they don’t follow simple phonetic sounds or patterns to help them spell them.

The first is from Year 1 and 2. Obviously, with everything that has happened over the course of 2020, the children have missed a large chunk of time in school learning these. We are trying to close the gap, and if you look closely you will see that some of these have appeared at the bottom of each spelling list your child has brought home this term but any help you can offer your child would be brilliant and so beneficial. Have a look at them and see how your children do. It might help flag up any that your could practise at home.

common exception words years 1 and 2

If you feel your child is confident on the above list, then please feel free to have a look at Years 3 and 4 tricky words. The children don’t need to learn all of these off by heart by the end of Year 3 but it wouldn’t hurt to make a start. Some of you may notice that after half term some of these words might start appearing in your children’s weekly spellings.

Year 3 and 4 common exception words

Thank you.