Room 2 – Exciting News!

As many of you may know we have been learning about Prehistoric Britain, rocks and fossils this half term.  The children have really enjoyed the topics and have learned lots.  We have been reading an amazing, yet emotional, story as our class novel.  The Wild Way Home by Sophie Kirtley.  It is the story of a modern day boy, Charlie Merriam, who finds himself transported to the Stone Age.  He meets another boy his age, Hartboy, and together they navigate the wild woods and the dangers they bring.  The children have been gripped by the story and it has really helped us to visualise the Stone Age world.  We have also learned about Mary Anning, a young fossil hunter who made amazing discoveries on the Jurassic Coast.   This week we have been reading a wonderful poem about Mary Anning, also written by Sophie Kirtley.

I am really excited to say that I have managed to arrange a virtual visit from Sophie with our class next Monday afternoon!  She will talk to the children about why she is fascinated with the Stone Age and Mary Anning and her inspiration for her book.  She will perform her poem for the class and answer any questions they may have.

I have no doubt that this will be a memorable and inspiring opportunity for the children and a lovely way to finish our topic.

We would like to ask for a contribution of £4 per child toward the cost of the session.  Please make payments via the School Money site by Tuesday 3rd November.

There will also be an opportunity to order signed copies of her book after the session, if anyone would like to.  I am aware that some children have already bought copies of the book, so I will ask her for some signed bookplates to add to their books.

You can read a copy of Mary Anning Roars to the Sea here

I am really looking forward to the session and hope all the children are too!

Mrs Hilditch x