Room 2 Home Learning


To day we started to learn our 3x table.

We practised counting through in our multiples of 3.  We placed all the multiples of 3 on a counting stick and then gradually removed multiples until we could remember them all.

We played this game with a partner.


We then tried to solve these missing number puzzles.

a __ x 3 = 12          b  8 x __ = 24     c 6 x __ = 18

d __ x 3 = 36         e 11 x __ = 33      f  15 = 3 x __

g __ x 3 = 12         h 27 =  __ x 3      i  9 = __ x 3

j __ =  5 x 3           k 12 =  3 x ___

Try this problem

What number am I?

I am a multiple of 3, between 20 and 30.  I am an even number.  I am…


Please practise your spellings.


We are researching the famous fossil hunter Mary Anning. In order to write our biography we some key information.

Try and find the answers to these questions:

  • When was she born/died?
  • Where did she live?
  • What are the names of her most famous fossil finds and what years did she find them?
  • Did anything sad happen in her life?

Jot them down, ready for class.


This afternoon we had our session of cricket so please try to get some exercise in your garden or try a cosmic kids yoga or a Born to Move session indoors.

Born to Move – choose either the Avengers or (8-12) age range.