Baboon on the Moon

This week Room 8 have used the video – Baboon on the Moon as a stimulus for writing. We have particularly challenged ourselves to use ambitious, descriptive vocabulary.

Here is an example by Harrison:

Baboon on the Moon
This is a melancholy tale of a lonely baboon whose days were spent alone in space.

A soft, eerie wind seemed to stir across the surface of the grey crusty moon. With a clunk,the black alarm flipped to 6am and a tinny sound crackled into life, waking up the lonely baboon. He shot up out of bed after about 10 seconds of rubbing his eyes. After that, he went downstairs to the kitchen and made tea and cornflakes and all that could be heard was the sip of his tea and the crunch of his cereal.

After a while, he went into his bathroom and the noise of his toothbrush and the tap dripping proved he was lonely. Then he went outside to do his work on the grey, crusty moon. He went into a shed but before he did he poured some moonshine in a washing machine and it made a glug sound. Then he went in the shed and pulled a lever. It made a mechanical sound and suddenly, the moon lit up like a Christmas tree.

A bit after, he found a crater, sat on it, opened his briefcase and looked at Earth.