Room 8 Friday Update!

Another busy week in Room 8! Many thanks to Mrs Smout for looking after Year 5 at the beginning of the week.

Below is our Quiz of the Week for this week – discussing these questions would be a great way to help everybody keep recalling key knowledge.

Quiz of the week 2nd Oct

Times Tables

A lot of us are struggling to recall multiplication facts. It would be a huge help if children could spend some time working on these at home. All the children have been given their Times Table Rockstar logins and regular use of this will help.


The children have been doing pretty well with their spellings. This week’s spellings might feel a bit more challenging as they are a list of words from either the Y3/4 word list or the Y5/6 word list, so they don’t have an obvious pattern. There are lots of different techniques children could use to help learn these spellings:

  • rainbow write – write each letter in a different colour
  • say it wrong to spell it write e.g. say bel – i – eve to help hear the ‘i’ in believe
  • look – cover – say – write
  • pyramid write – write the first letter on the top line, then two letters on the line underneath, three letters etc etc.

Here are some more suggestions that you might want to try to support your child at home:

This week’s spellings:
9th Oct – Blue Group

9th Oct – Green Group

9th Oct – Red Group

Once again, the children are really working hard at their reading in school. They are enthusiastic about our whole class book and working well in individual reading tasks too. One thing that will really help is some shared reading at home – this means perhaps your child reading a page and then you reading a page or an adult offering to read a chapter. Even a very able reader will benefit from hearing an experienced reader read aloud! It is a lovely opportunity for your child to focus on the threads in the story, rather than working at decoding words and it also means you and your child are ‘in it together’!