Home learning Thursday 1st October

Here are details of what Room 5 are learning tomorrow in class for anyone isolating at the moment.


We are looking at addition and subtraction, and thinking about how they are related. For example, if we know that 2+3=5, then we can use that to work out 5-2=3. In class, we have been using coat hangers and pegs to solve addition and subtraction number sentences. This is a brilliant (and really cheap) bit of equipment that really helps children to see amounts being added or subtracted. You may want to use this idea to help you solve the problems below. You can also use counters/buttons/beads or even dry pasta as equipment!

Follow this link and watch the videos to remind yourself of what adding and subtracting involves: adding subtracting and inverse

Then have a go at answering the questions on this sheet: fact families


Today we looked at how to write a caption for a picture. Lots of our sentences started with, ‘This is a …’. We will be using our reading skills to sound out words and match them to pictures. Have a go at these (please do not print off all the pages! The first couple will do): t-l-4499-phase-2-pictures-and-captions-matching-worksheets_ver_4


Today we have looked at ‘or’. Can you sound out and write these words?

for, fork, cork, torn, sort


We will be looking at compass points to learn about north, south, east and west. Have fun playing the treasure map game via this link: BBC treasure map game

Then, discuss with an adult what you may see in Room 5. Have a go at drawing the layout of the classroom: Plan of My Classroom Activity Sheet