Home Learning Room 2


Today we continued subtracting using a number line.  We tried to look carefully at the question first to work out which digits we expected to change in our answers.  Is it just the ones digit, the tens or the hundreds?

You may be able to do it mentally or you can draw a number line, write the larger number at the end of the line then jump back.  Look carefully are you jumping back in tens or ones?

a 24 – 8 =               b 38 – 6 =             c  52 – 9 =         d  265 – 3 =         e  284 – 30 =

f  368 – 20 =           g  482 – 8 =         h   464 – 40 =     i   658 – 50 =


Today we started to write our own version or Stone Age Boy.  Using your notes from yesterday you need to add much more detail to each section and write an amazing story.

You need to use powerful verbs, eg stumbled, dashed instead of walked.

Expanded noun phrases to add detail, eg I woke up in a damp, dusty cave with my face pressed against the hard, rocky floor.

Use your senses to describe what you can see, hear, smell, feel.

Write the story in the first person (use I – pretend you are the Stone Age Boy)

Write the story in the past tense – stumbled, ran, met

Here’s an example for the first part

1.  Walked in wood fell down.


One crisp, autumn morning I was wandering in the vast, ancient forest.  The sunlight shone through the small gaps in the canopy of trees casting patches of light upon the ground.  Birds sang happily and the smell of fresh lavender filled the air.  Suddenly I tripped and found myself falling down, down, down.

You just need to write the opening 3 sections in detail up to the part where Om takes the boy to her family.   We’ll continue the rest over the next few days.


Today we learned about the three different Stone Age periods.

In the early Stone Age, people were hunter-gatherers.  They moved around from place to place in search of food and shelter.  There homes were often in caves.  They used basic tools such as hammer stones to break nuts to eat.  This was called the Palaeolithic Era.

In the middle Stone Age people become much better at making tools and began to communicate more and work together to hunt large animals more successfully.  People began to make shelters out of wooden posts and possibly animal skins. This was called the Mesolithic Era.

In the new Stone Age the people began to grow crops to eat and began to farm.  This meant they didn’t have to move around to find food and so they began to build more permanent homes and settle in villages. This was called the Neolithic Era.

Which house do you think belonged to which era? Can you draw a picture of each house and label which era you think it belonged to?