Home Learning Room 2


Today we have been learning how to use a number line to take away.

This is similar to last week although you need to put the larger number at the end of your number line and count backwards.

So for example 52 – 36 =

You would draw a numberline, write 52 at the end.

Partition 36 into 30 and 6

Take off the 30, then take off the 6, like this…

Please try the following questions using this method,  Try a few of Challenge 1 then move on to Challenge 2 if you are confident.



Today we wrote a plan to help us write our own version of Stone Age Boy.

We created a storyboard with eight sections.  Please watch the video of Stone Age boy and make brief notes about what happens in each part of the story.


1 – went for a walk fell down, down, down.

2. woke up in cave, everything different.

3. saw a girl, she looked very different.

Please continue to make brief notes for each section.   We will then use these notes to write our own version of the story on following days.

Reading and Spellings

Please read your reading book and practise your spellings.