Forest School

Wednesday will be Room 4’s first Forest School session and I’ve had a few queries from parents so I thought I would try and clarify the logistics for you all.

Every Wednesday, please send children into school wearing their own clothes that are suitable for the weather that day and you don’t mind getting a bit muddy! Please send children in wearing shoes or trainers with wellies separate. We will keep wellies in school on the rack outside Room 4 for any other adventures we might have on non-Forest School days.

Please also send in a set of waterproofs (either an all in one suit or separate trousers and coat – it’s up to you) which we will keep in school too. Please make sure these are named! We will send waterproofs home for a wash whenever they get too muddy.

We also have PE on a Tuesday, so children need to come in to school wearing their PE kit on this day. We will stay in this all day so no need for uniform.

So, to clarify what children need to wear to school each day:

Monday – school uniform

Tuesday – PE kit

Wednesday – Forest School clothes

Thursday – school uniform

Friday – school uniform


Please feel free to email me if you are unsure about anything. I’m looking forward to seeing all of Room 4 together for the first time tomorrow!

Miss Roberts