Room 2 Home Learning


This work is for any children who are isolating at home but are well enough to continue their learning.

We will post in the evening what the children have completed in school on that day for you to do the following day as this ensures the children are completing the same work.


Today we have been adding two 2 digit numbers by counting on using a number line.

This is the method we used.

46 + 37 =

First draw a blank numberline



place the largest number at the start

Partition the smaller number into tens and ones   so 37 becomes 30 and 7

Add on the 30 by jumping on three lots of 10

Then add the 7

We also talked about how you can make it quicker and easier to do mentally if you can see how to partition the 7 into 4 and 3 so that you jump to the next 10 and then add on the rest, as you can see in the picture below.



I have attached two sheets above one of which is split into 3 levels of challenge – please choose the most suitable for your child – you do not need to do all three challenges as each part contains 10 questions!  There is also a support sheet so if your child is finding it tricky, or you need a few more examples of how to set it out then this might be helpful.


Today we used a thesaurus to find some more exciting synonyms for common verbs.  So for your work today I’d like you to find better words for

say or talk



Please complete two spider diagrams with the common word in the middle and all the better words you can find around the outside.  You can use coloured pens or pencils to make it look beautiful if you have some at home.   These are two good online sites you can use to find better words.

Online thesaurus

Simple thesaurus

Reading and spellings

We had some time to practise our spellings and read our books quietly.


We learnt about some Stone Age animals today.

Please choose a couple of Stone Age animals to find out about and write a short description of what they look like.

Here is some information to help you, but you may prefer to do your own research.  We cut the pictures of our favourite animals out, stuck them into our books and wrote a little description next to each picture.