Home learning for Thursday 17th September

Here is what we will be doing on Thursday for anyone who needs to access work from home.


We will be looking again at subtraction, with some of us starting to use a number line to subtract within 5. Use this sheet to practise taking away: subtraction crocodiles

Using objects will help your child to understand what ‘taking away’ means and help them to solve the questions.


We will be thinking about the sounds that the different places mentioned in the bear hunt story make, and recreating some of the sounds using instruments. What could you use around the house to make sounds such as ‘swishy swashy’ or ‘squelch squerch’? Can you come up with some of your own noises for different settings? For example, when the family are going through the forest, what can you use to make the noise of twigs and sticks snapping under their feet? You could watch the story online and have fun using your home-made noises to join in! We’re Going on a Bear Hunt


We are going to be starting our topic all about our school. Have a think about how you could describe our school. What can you do at school? How many classrooms are there? What are the teachers called? What do you like about it? What would you like to improve? You may want to draw a picture of school and then describe it to an adult.


We have been looking at ‘oa’ and ‘oo’ this week. Can you practise sounding out and spelling these words?

goat, moan, foam, toast

moon, zoo, soon, boot