Room 5 reminders

Hi everyone,

We have had a super start to Year 1. The adults in Room 5 are blown away by how independently the children are putting their things away in the morning and settling into their tasks. We have already done lots of work, including some number work today reading and writing numbers to 20 and some excellent writing using our phonic knowledge.

You may have noticed that there is a yellow tray outside the classroom in the mornings. Please put finished reading books in the tray and then adults know which ones need changing. Also, please ensure that all items such as coats, bags, jumpers and cardigans are named.

It is really helpful if every child brings a water bottle to school, particularly as using the communal water fountain right now is not ideal. If possible, can water bottles please be named too? This avoids any confusion, especially if more than one child has a particular style bottle! Many thanks.

Our PE day is a Monday so could children please come to school already wearing their PE kit?

Many thanks for your support in ensuring that the return to school has gone as smoothly as possible. This is very much appreciated.

If you have any concerns or queries, please don’t hesitate to email me: