The first few days!

Many thanks to all our wonderful children who have returned to school with such a positive attitude! It has been a delight to welcome everybody back and we can’t wait to begin meeting our newest school members next week.

We recognise that there are some issues with the systems we have in place for collecting your children at the end of the day; we are aware that there is a particular bottle neck outside Room 8 and generally as parents try and make their way through the gardens at the back of school. We are working on a solution to this! For the time being, please continue with the directions to collect your child by making your way around school in a clockwise direction at the end of the day. If you do not need to collect a child from Room 8 (Mrs Rowe), Room 5 (Mrs Garcia) or Room 4 (Miss Roberts), please would you walk behind the gardens to get to the playground areas – a path has been freshly mown this morning so you, hopefully, won’t get wet feet! Your patience and co-operation is greatly appreciated as we find our way with our full school community back on site.