Next week (Monday 7th)

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

Just to remind you that lots of key information can be accessed by clicking on the information tab above.

Here you can look at the timetable for next week (and for all weeks until half term).

For maths most of the children will be working on multiplication – so knowing their times tables will help. In the information tab is a link to a good site called times tables. It would also be great for them to be able to multiply a 2 digit number by a 2 digit number by the end of the week. 2 x 2 sheet with answers

For English our writing activities will be based around our class novel. On Monday we are looking at determiners. To help with our Monday grammar skills there is a booklet in the information section called SATs survival. For further help there is a PowerPoint and a Determiner Detective Worksheets to download. This is then something that can be saved and looked at overtime with your child.

This information is just so that you are aware of what is happening in Room 7 next week. A reminder that on Monday and Tuesday next week (the 7th and 8th) the children are able to stay until 4:15pm to use the chromebooks if they wish. For further information please look at my earlier post or click on the clubs tab on the school site.

Wow – a lot of information. I am now going to forget about school for a bit and enjoy the weekend!!! I hope you do to.
