First day back

What a delight it was to see my class back today. So many of them have grown so much.

They settled really well today even though there was a lot of information about how the day will run and what they can and can’t do now.

Thanks to those parents who have informed me that their child can walk to and from school on their own. If anyone else wants to do this please see me before or after school on Friday.

Next Monday and Tuesday my class have the chromebooks for the whole day. It seems a pity not to use them as fully as possible. After school on these two days children can stay behind to work on these until 4:15pm. The chromebooks would be able to be used for the following things: boost their maths or English skills, extend their maths or English skills, have a go at coding, research a topic of their choice or enhance their learning of things we have covered in school. They will not be able to be used to just play games on or watch uneducational videos.

This offer is just for Year 6 so there will be no other pupils in our bubble. If you wish your child to come for one or both of the sessions just let me know that morning in person or by email @ If your child does attend I will expect them to be picked up promptly at 4:15pm unless they have had permission to walk home on their own. If this is successful I will run this every other week (when we are timetabled for the chromebooks).

Mr. Morris