Welcome Back Room 2!

Hello everyone!

We hope you have had a lovely summer holiday and are eager to get back into school.  We can’t wait to welcome you tomorrow and get to know you all.

Please remember to come in your school uniform tomorrow.  You can arrive at our outside classroom door anytime between 8:40 and 9:00am.  On arrival, children will be asked to put away their belongings onto their pegs first and place their water bottles onto their tables. After, they will be asked to wash their hands and if they require a school dinner, they will then be able to order it. After this, the children can then sit down at their tables to complete their morning activities.

On Wednesday we will have PE so please come to school dressed in your kit for the whole day.  This will be an outdoor PE session so please wear your tracksuit bottoms and fleece.

We will try our hardest to sort out reading books for your children this week but this may take us a few days. We will be operating a ‘book quarantine’ system for books that return from home. This means that books may not be changed as regularly as previously so please bear with.

If your child is bringing in a pencil case, can you please make sure it is of a sensible size as space on tables is limited on the tables.

We look forward to finally seeing you all.