New Reception Intake Information

Hi everyone,


I hope you have all had a lovely summer and are ready for your first days of school! In case you are unsure, here is the plan for phased starting of school for the new Reception intake.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
w/b 7.9.20

Group A


Group B


Phone or zoom meetings with Miss Roberts (in place of home visits)
w/b 14.9.20

Group A


Group B


w/b 21.9.20 All children in full time. See details on the main page of the school website for information on staggered drop off and collection times.

If you are unsure of which group your child is in, please contact Miss Roberts via email or Mrs Andrew in the office.

When you bring your child for their first day, there is a one-way system in place, this is detailed on the main page of the school website. I know most children will be excited for their first day, but due to the current situation we ask that you don’t arrive early and congregate outside the school or classroom.

For the first two weeks of school we won’t be having any PE or Forest School sessions, so just send the children to school in their uniform as normal. There is no need to bring any PE bags, wellies or waterproofs on these sessions.

From the week beginning 21st when all children are in full time, we will be having PE on a Tuesday and Forest School on a Wednesday. This means children will need to come to school wearing their PE kit on a Tuesday, and their own outdoor clothes on a Wednesday. There is no need to bring any uniform with them on either of these days.

If you have any other queries ahead of your child starting, please feel free to email me on There is also lots of extra information about the new term for the whole school on the main page of the website.

I’m very excited to meet everyone next week!


Miss Roberts