Thank you!

To all my lovely Room 4 parents,


I just want to say a huge heartfelt thank you to you all for so many things.

Thank you for choosing me to be the first teacher for your wonderful children. They are all absolute superstars, I love them and will miss them all a lot. I’m so lucky to work in Reception where I can see such huge progress in all their abilities. That first day seems like such a long time ago now and they all seem so much more grown up!

Thank you for working so hard over this strange time. You really have done such a great job. Whether you have been doing the work that has been set on the website, spending time having fun as a family or just doing whatever suits you best. Children learn in so many different ways, so just carry on having a lovely time as a family. Keeping your children happy and upbeat is the most important thing, so well done.

Thank you for my lovely presents. It means a lot to know that you appreciate what we do!

Thank you for being such fantastic and supportive parents. As a teacher it makes such a huge difference, and it really does make our job that little bit nicer!

I have had such a brilliant (if not strange) year with your little ones, it’s such a shame that I only got to be their ‘proper teacher’ for two terms, but I’m looking forward to seeing them again next year for a little chat on the playground or a wave at the classroom door. I can’t believe they’re going to be in Year 1!

I hope you all have a brilliant (and very well deserved!) Summer!


Miss Roberts x