Monday 13th July

Welcome to the last week of term. As Mr.Langford has posted on the main news today’s posts will cover the whole week. During the last week of term we would normally be having things such as: watching Year 6’s dress rehearsal, sports days, videos, bringing games in etc. so the work will reflect that there is no expectation for the children to follow the usual routines of work i.e. maths, English and at least one other subject.

If any of the children prefer to keep to a routine I am putting links for maths, English, science and history but there will also be suggestions for other things.

I am more than happy for the children to only have a go at the other suggestions.

A reminder that our picnic day is on Wednesday. It would be lovely to see lots of you but I fully appreciate that some people will prefer not to come.

I hope that everyone has a fantastic last week of the year. If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch.