Whoop Whoop – we’ve made it!

Well done all of you for all of the work you have done throughout this past few months.  Thank you to all of the amazing parents out there who have worked to hard to help you with your home learning as well as working from home themselves.  We have been so proud of all of you and so thankful for your support.

We really hope that many of you will be able to visit for the picnic on Wednesday, myself and Mrs Smout would love to see you.  You’ll also be able to collect your school workbooks from this year.

As it is the last week of term we’d usually fill the week with nice activities, so with this in mind we will still post a link to the White Rose maths work if you wish to continue with this, otherwise we will just post a selection of activities that you may want to try over the week rather than a post of things to do everyday.  You are still of course welcome to message me and send any work but please don’t feel that you have to send something you have completed everyday.

End of term suggested activities:

We’d normally have a really good classroom sort out this week – emptying trays, sorting through cupboards and drawers, tidying and organising reading books and so on.  We though that this may be a good time to have a good sort out and tidy of your room at home or ask your parents if there are any other jobs that need doing around the house.

We’d also normally be doing our Design and Technology weeks around this time, so can you do some baking with and adult or design and make a healthy lunch.  Can you choose a product in your house – a lamp, a bag, some shoes, a desk – anything really- and then extend the range by designing your own version?  Label your designs with what functions and features your product has, what materials it would be made out of and why.  You may also choose to write and design an advert for your product using your best persuasive language.

Have a snuggly film afternoon – needs no explanation!!!

Go out on an adventure – go for a walk as a family around the beautiful countryside in which you are so lucky to live.

Have a picnic lunch in your garden if the weather’s nice.

Have a board game morning.  If others in your family are able to spend some time together with you it could be great fun – although watch it doesn’t start too many arguments if you are all competitive! It could be a very long summer otherwise!

Have a home sports day get the family involved (sorry again!)  try the standing long jump, egg and spoon race, a sack race with old pillow cases, make an obstacle course – there are lots of events you can recreate at home.

Enjoy some quiet reading time, maybe even take your book on your walk and find a nice spot where you could all sit for a peaceful reading session – like a book picnic! Or build a den in your room where you can hide away with your book.

Host an end of term lockdown family quiz – you could ask questions to do with all of the topics you have covered this term, any films or tv shows you’ve watched, games you’ve played and so on.  You could maybe even get other family members involved over Zoom.

You could host your own family music festival day.  You could find out about and listen to your parents’ favourite music and have a disco in the garden.

Have some time to just be creative – draw a picture, write a story, a poem or a song, make up a dance or gymnastic routine.

Try some more of the Draw with Rob videos from you tube.

Have a go at some of the other Year 3 or Year 2 units from the ilearn2 website, please just email to ask if you need a pupil code for any of the units.

See if you have any old card tubes from wrapping paper or kitchen roll – or better still any old guttering – and make a marble run or ball run in the garden.

Find some time to treat your grown ups and say thank you for all of the time, effort and energy they have put in to teaching you at home.  They definitely deserve some treats, make them a card, a medal, a trophy, you could ask someone to help you make them breakfast in bed (be sensible and safe!) or offer to get them a cold drink from the fridge! (They’ll need it!)

Most importantly, celebrate all the wonderful work you have done be proud of yourselves and enjoy your last official week as Year 3s.  You have all been amazing – We will miss you so much next year.


Maths – Year 3


Monday Activity    Monday answers

Tuesday activity     Tuesday answers

Wednesday activity       Wednesday answers

Thursday activity        Thursday answers

Whole School White Rose resources