Friday 10th July

Well we have made it to Friday.  Hopefully the weather today will be a little better than it has been.  So let’s do this!

Morning Maths:

Today I’d like you to have a little look at coordinates.  It seem such a long time since we looked at this last and played battle ships.

Remember, when reading coordinates you need to read across first, then up.  Put your fingers on the lines, and where they meet, that is your coordinate.  Coordinates are always written in brackets with a comma between them. (3,4).

Have a little look at the sheet below.

Morning Maths 1


Back by popular demand…Maths Mystery!

The Mystery of the Missing Moji.

Maths Mystery game 2

Remember the answers are at the back, so no peeking!


It’s Free Write Friday.

Have a look at the pictures below or choose one of your own to write about.  You can choose to write anything you like. Diary, letter, story, information, poem, cartoon, go for it!

As it is Friday, it is spelling test day.  It is also your last spelling test of this year as next week there are not going to be any spellings.

As it is Arts Week, I thought you might like to learn how to draw a dog, called Teddy and yes, for those of you who are fans, he is a pug!

Have a lovely afternoon, Mrs Gwyther will post your art.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you all next week for the last week of term.

Love from Mrs Pope xx

