Friday 10th July

Hi, everyone.

Well, it’s Friday again! How soon they come round. Here are our activities for Maths and English.


Today we will be solving a problem using symmetry. Do you remember what symmetry means? Have a watch of the short video if you’re not sure and see if you can see the symmetry in the shapes towards the end: BBC Bitesize symmetry

Now see if you can solve the problem below. You could use bits of paper for this or even items of the colour mentioned.

Remember that your patterns need to be symmetrical. Think where the line of symmetry would be before you start. (Halfway, so after the third box). If you want a greater challenge, why not use a fourth colour too?


For today’s English task, I would like you to write a short story, poem or piece of information all about friendship. Maybe you could write about what ‘friendship’ means to you, or you could write some sentences about why you get on so well with your friends. This task is inspired by the competition that is being run by the Friends of Pontesbury Library. If you would like to submit your work to the library, then use the email address on the poster below or pop it into The Pavilion. You don’t have to enter the competition though; you can just complete the task and email it to me to see as usual. I will not enter your work into the competition unless you ask me to!

Remember to look at Mrs Gwyther’s post for details of your afternoon art task.

Have a great day,

Mrs Garcia x