Year 6 Leavers Celebration

We would like to invite all our Year 6s to share in an event to mark the end of this year. We know that many of their key milestones have been missed due to Coronavirus, but we would like to make sure they have a chance to carry out some of the traditions!

Date: Thurs 16th July, 1 – 2pm
Venue: the ball playground (and the field)!

We would like all the children to bring their packed lunch and a picnic blanket to sit on. We will make space for everyone to sit with suitable space in between them. If parents would like to join us (a maximum of two adults per family) you are very welcome, but we ask you to maintain social distancing between yourselves and other families.

1. Picnic and chat!
2. Book and shirt signing – obviously we can’t organise this in the normal way, so we will provide a table per child for them to put out a shirt for signing (pale colours are best) and we will put out their autograph book. Children will need to bring their own pen for signing and we will provide hand sanitiser for people to clean their hands before and after signing everything.
3. A farewell talk.
4. Ice-creams!