Wednesday 8th July

On a Wednesday we have PE so you might like to have a think what activitiy you want to do for this. The last week of term will come very quickly so if any of the children can think of anything they would like to do they can let me know. I will continue to post maths and English as lots of people like the routine but I am open to suggestions for alternative work.

For maths we continue to use whiterose. Year 5 work is reflection of shapes and Year 6 is angles in quadrilaterals.

Year 5 video      Lesson-3-Reflection       Lesson-3-Answers

Year 6 video      Lesson-3-Angles-in-special-quadrilaterals    Lesson-3-Answers-Angles

For English I feel too many people worry about making mistakes when they write. As a result their imagination isn’t allowed to run free incase they forget capital letters, full stops, commas or a lot of other things. Today you don’t need to worry about making a mistake. I just want to see how imaginative you can be. Some people prefer handwriting; others using a computer – I don’t mind. Have a look at the picture and write a short story about it. Don’t worry about mistakes.

For art week have a look at the post about Andy Goldsworthy. Art post

Remember you can be continuing any work from transition week, reading a book or doing some PE. Have a super day.