Thursday 2nd July

Hello everyone, we hope you had a good day yesterday.


For your English work today we’d like you to think about the work you have done over the past year.  Normally we would do this exercise as part of writing our reports, but We thought it would still be nice for you to reflect upon this past year and hopefully look forward to the next.

So today we would like you think about the following sentence starters and see if you can complete them.  Please think carefully and try to give specific examples in your answers, it could be about work you completed in school with Mrs Pope, or during home learning.

This year I have enjoyed learning about …

I am really good at….

Next year in school I would like to get better at…


Please do lesson 4 from White Rose   Videos

Whole School Resources are here


This afternoon we would really like you to share something you have done that you are particularly proud of.  It could be a sporting achievement, a particular badge you have earned at Beavers, a skill you have mastered – anything that you would like to share with us.

You may like to use one of the special templates below.

Be Proud

We hope you have a lovey day.

Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Davies x