Tuesday 30th June – High Hopes!

High Hopes!
Today our theme is ‘High Hopes’ because I want us to think about our hopes and aspirations for the future. Here is a song to set the scene:

When I was at primary school I really wanted to be an author (I still would like to write a book) or maybe a pop star; I used to spend lots of my play times rehearsing dances and songs with my friends. I also used to write scripts for radio shows and make my brother perform them with me (we used a tape recorder – they are so old fashioned you might not even know what one of those is). So, I was bossy even as a child!


For your English task today I would like you to draw a picture of yourself doing a job you would love to do in the future. This is about thinking far ahead into the future – be as ambitious as you like! Please write a caption to tell me about the picture. A caption is one or two sentences that explain what is in the picture.

Future Aspirations

Then have a think about your hopes and wishes for next year in school. Think about three things you would like to get better at next year. This could be a subject you want to develop your skills in, a club you want to join or something else entirely!



Today’s focus on White Rose is on ‘Comparison, Sum and Difference’.
Watch lesson 2’s video and then complete the task.
Main Task: Lesson-2-Comparison-sum-and-difference
Main Task (answers): Lesson-2-Answers-Comparison-sum-and-difference

Afternoon Task

This afternoon’s activity has a Geography focus. I would like you tell me about a country you would be interested to visit and explain to me why you would like to go there. I have put two video clips here to get you thinking – if you want to see some more videos about life in different countries, click on this link.

One day, I would love to visit Japan. I am really interested by the history and culture of Japan. I would also really love to see the famous cherry blossom. The video below contrasts life in London with life in Tokyo (Japan’s capital city).

This next video compares life in the North of England with life in Northern Australia.

There is a world map here. You could print it off, colour in the country (or countries) you are interested in visiting and then write a list of some of the reasons you would like to visit this place. You might have to do a bit of research online to find out some interesting facts to share with me.

World Map