Tuesday 30th June

Good morning everybody,  thank you for sending me your work yesterday, we had a lovely time finding out about you!  What a talented and amazing bunch you are!

Today, we are going to begin with our morning maths.  We thought you might enjoy finding your way through a little maze.  How confident are you counting in 10s?   How far can you count in 10s?  Have a little go at singing this song.


Can you find your way from the start of the maze to the finish by counting in 10s?

Morning Maths

We are going to carry on with our maths.  Today, in your White Rose Maths, you are going to be looking at money.  Can you recognise all the coins we use?  It might be useful to ask someone at home if you can have a little look at a few coins.

Here is your video to watch and join in with.


Here is your sheet.


For your English today, we’d like you to think about your memories of being in year 1.  What do you remember?  What was your favourite moment?  Your favourite story?  A memory you will never forget?  I know this year has been a bit of a strange year, but you have lots of things you can think about.  The memories don’t have to be from school, they can be things you have done at home too.  You can draw pictures as well as write sentences if you would like to.

My favourite book I read in school this year was ‘Granny’ by Anthony Horrowitz.  I really enjoyed reading it because it was so funny and just a little scary.  My favourite memory was performing our nativity performance.  I remember feeling really proud of you all at the end of the performances.  My favourite activity was mini beast hunting in our school field.  Who knew how many creatures live around our school!

Have a little think, what do you remember…

Memories Sheet

One of the things we do lots and lots of in year 2 is reading.  We share stories, read to each other and have whole class reading lessons every day.

We thought you might like to have a little look at a reading comprehension.  These are texts that you read to yourself and then answer questions about what you have just read.  This is a skill we will teach you. However, if you fancy having a little try, here is a story you will be very familiar with.  If you feel confident, read the whole of the text then answer the questions about it.  Or you can share reading it with someone at home, or you can listen to the story and talk about it.  I have included 3 levels of reading comprehension.  Level 3 is the trickiest.

Comprehension Sheet 1

Comprehension Sheet 2

Comprehension Sheet 3

If you don’t fancy reading this story, please feel free to read your own reading book.

For your afternoon activity we would like you to draw/paint/make your own portrait.

Have a little look at these portraits.  Some of them have been done by famous artists, some have been done by children.  All self portraits show you looking  how you think you look but some also show a little about your special personality.

Have a go at drawing or making your own portrait.  You might like it to be in pencil, or you may wish to paint it.  You could make a portrait collage, anything you fancy.  It would be really lovely if you could keep your portrait nice and safe and then bring it to school with you so that we can create a little display of you all in Room 3.

Have a lovely day all of you.  Remember to keep me posted on how you are getting on.


Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Pope