Monday 29th June – Day 1: All About You!

By the end of the day today I would really like to know loads more about each of you! All the tasks I post today are going to help us get to know one another really well and some of your work will go up in our classroom (Room 8) ready to welcome you back in the Autumn term.

Here is a bit of music to capture the spirit of Monday!


Today I would like you to create a poster or booklet (or even a powerpoint presentation) all about yourself. Use this task as a chance to tell me about your favourite things, the things that you get excited about, the things you get worried about and how you like to learn. I am going to read everything you send in (I am teaching a bubble in school as well this week, so don’t worry if I can’t reply straight away – it doesn’t mean I’m ignoring you!) and I hope to have a really good idea about everybody’s strengths and talents by the end of the day. You can use the booklet template link here, or you might prefer to design your own poster.

All About Me Booklet

Please include: your name, your likes and dislikes, your talents, any worries you have about next year, your friends, your family, your pets and anything else you can think that makes you you!


The focus for our learning in maths this week is handling data. This means interpreting information from graphs and charts and constructing our own.

MAIN TASK: Watch the White Rose home learning video (Lesson 1 – wc 29th June).
White Rose Home Learning
Now complete the task:Lesson-1-Interpret-charts-2020
The answers are here, so you can check your own understanding: Lesson-1-Answers-Interpret-charts

EXTENSION TASK: work through the BBC Daily Lesson on interpreting charts and then complete this extra task.
Monday extension task

FINAL TASK: maths reflection.
What is your favourite thing to do in maths? Can you tell me about it?
My Favourite maths

Afternoon Task: A Self-Portrait!

This afternoon I would like you to draw, paint, collage or photograph a self-portrait of yourself. It would be fantastic if it included some clues about your hobbies and interests.
Why not follow this Rob Biddulph tutorial? I will have a go too and will post a picture of my efforts! We will put all the pictures you send me up in Room 8 – I can’t wait to see them all.