Monday 29th June

Good morning everybody and welcome to transition week!

This week we will all get to know each other a little better, ready for September.  Mrs Pittaway and I are really looking forward to welcoming you into year 2.  We have a fantastic year planned and are sure you will be absolutely amazing year 2s.

When year 2s come into the class in the morning, their first job is to complete their Morning Maths.  This will be a short activity that you will recognise.  Something we have already practised or some maths facts we would like you to learn.  So, lovely year 2s, here is your first Morning Maths.

You can choose. Either practise your number bonds for 10.

Number bonds for 10

Or practise your number bonds for 20.

Numberbonds for 20

The choice is yours.

For your maths lessons this week, we will be following the White Rose Maths online.

Here is today’s work for year 1.  We are on Week 10, Lesson 1.

Here are your worksheets.



For your English work today, we would like you to tell us all about you. The things you like, your family, your friends.  This way, we get to know you a little better.  We will fill one in too and put it on a web post for you to read.

All about me

It would be lovely if you sent us a copy of your work to:

Then we can find out all about you too.

It would be really hard for us to set you spellings without meeting you, but if you would like to practise some spellings, I have included a Year 1 Common Exception Word Booklet.  You can use this to practise  spellings if you wish.  If you are a super speller, have a go at the year 2 booklet.

Common Exception word Booklet

Common Exception word Booklet Year 2

If you have a few moments or would like a bit of a break, have a listen to this story.

This afternoon we thought it would be lovely if you made a simple dream catcher. Have a little look at the pictures below.

Here are some instructions. All you will need are some twigs, some string or wool and anything you would like to decorate your dream catcher with.  You can use feathers, beads fabric or paper, leaves, the choice is yours.

You can shape your dream catcher into any shape you like if your twig is long or bendy enough.  I have made circle ones and triangle ones but you could make them into a square if you wish.


I always marvel at how the sting can be tied in such beautiful, cobweb like ways. Mine never look like that but they still catch dreams just as well!

We hope you have a lovely day being a year 2.  Let us know how you are getting on.  You can email on the address above, we’d love to hear from you and see what you have been up to.

Have a great day everyone.

Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Pope x