Transition activities.

I have enjoyed seeing the work handed in so far for transition week.

There are a few activities that the children could choose from during the week. I will add to these over the next couple of days. Please do not think all of the activities have to be chosen. In many ways seeing which ones you choose tells me what sorts of things you like.

Activity one: Tell me all about what you have been doing since March. This can include anything at all. I will leave it up to the children how they present this.

Activity two: Miss Hughes and Miss Gwilliam have been stars and have moved our tables around. We now have 6 tables of 6. I would like you to tell me how you would sit everyone. Who would be on which table? Would you keep the same seats for all  lessons?

Activity three: At school our houses are named after authors. If we renamed them which authors would you choose and why? How about if they were renamed after Medieval monarchs who would you choose? Famous musicians? Famous artists? Famous sports people? You decide who the houses are named after and say why.

Activity four: Hopefully you have done lots of reading over the last few weeks. Tell me all about these books. Which have you enjoyed and why?

Activity five: What are you looking forward to in Year 6? Is there anything that you are worried about?

Activity six: Draw a self portrait – it has been so long since I have seen most of you.

Activity seven: If you had 7 coins what are the different amounts of money you could have?

Activity eight: Hopefully we will go on some school trips in Year 6. I would like you to tell me about your favourite school trips – which was the best and why?


All of these activities can be presented in anyway the children want.