Thursday 25th June – Maths and English

Today your main task in maths is about finding the volume of cubes and cuboids.

Warm up using either Sumdog, TTRockstars or the morning maths tasks on Google Classroom.

Main: watch the White Rose video and then complete the task.
Task: Lesson-4-Volume-of-a-cuboid

If you would like more input on this, please work through the BBC Daily lesson and complete the extra task here.
pdf (12)

Today’s lesson focuses on learning about the life of William Shakespeare and then finding out about the plot and themes in one of his most famous plays: Romeo and Juliet.
Work through the videos and tasks on the BBC Daily Lesson.
Make notes about the life of Shakespeare – your notes do not have to be in full sentences, but you need to be able to read them to help you with the activity of sequencing key events in Shakespeare’s life.

Main task:
Option 1: pick a bit of the story that you found interesting and retell it in your own words.
Option 2: write a newspaper report describing the events at the end of the play:

At the ending of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet fakes her death and lies in a tomb waiting for Romeo so they can run away together. Romeo doesn’t receive the message, so thinks Juliet has actually died. He goes to Verona and sees Juliet in her tomb, thinking she is dead. He drinks poison and she wakes up to discover Romeo is dead. Juliet kills herself with his dagger.