Thursday 25th June

Good morning everyone.  I hope you are all well.  Did you have lots of fun doing the Ping Pong Challenge?  It was pretty tricky wasn’t it!

Today we are going to practise dividing by 2,5 and 10 in our Morning Maths.  Do you remember how we did this in school?  If your question is 50 divided by 10 and you are unsure of the number fact, simply count on your fingers, in 10s, until you get to 50. Then look at how many fingers you are holding up. This way you are using your times table facts to help you work out division questions.

So 14 divided by 2, count in 2’s until you get to 14 and see how many fingers you are holding up.

Have a go…

Morning Maths


Today it is day 4 of our week looking at measuring. Today we are looking at mass.

Here are the accompanying worksheets.  Remember, year 1 and 3 are on the School News Page.



Today we are continuing to look at sentences and punctuation in our English lessons.  Please can you work through the PowerPoint below.  You are practising things that we have talked about and rehearsed in school and I hope it will all come back to you.

Room 3’s Writing Challenge

Please can you practise your spellings.

You may have just a little time to have a look at this reading comprehension.

Comprehension text

Here are the questions for the text.  Question sheet 3 is the harder questions to answer.

Questions 1

Questions 2

Questions 3

I hope you have a lovely day and don’t get too warm in the sunshine.

Let me know how you get on.

Love from Mrs Pope x