Wednesday 24th June – English and Maths

Good morning! It is going to be a scorcher today. This might be a really good day to spend some time reading in the shade!

Morning maths tasks are on Google Classroom or you might prefer to log onto Sumdog or TTRockstars for your warm up.

For your main task you are going to be revising finding the area of a parallelogram using White Rose.
White Rose
Main task: Lesson-3-Area-of-a-parallelogram

If you would like more input on this, have a look at the videos and quizzes on the BBC Daily Lesson.


Today your task is to join in with National Writing Day and take up their 24 word story challenge! This is trickier than it might at first sound… Why not try writing several different stories using the 24 word limit and the 7 minute timer!
Watch the videos (especially the one by Frank Cotterell Boyce) and have a go!
BBC Daily Lesson