Thursday 25th June

Hi everyone. Here are Thursday’s maths and English activities. Remember that our afternoon tasks for our PE themed week will be on a separate post.


Watch the short video to remind yourself about the symbols <, > and =: comparing numbers (2) video

Then have a go at the worksheet: Thursday activity

You may find using a 100 square useful today: HundredSquare

If you are fine with this, you may want to move on to have a go at these problems:

year 1 number puzzles


Yesterday, we had a look again at what a verb is and you wrote sentences containing them. Today we will remind ourselves what adjectives are. Start by watching the video and work through the activities: BBC Bitesize adjectives

Imagine you can invent your own sport or game. Maybe it would involve mixing two sports together, like in the example given on the sheet of chess boxing! Have fun coming up with your own new sport or game, and then draw and write about it. I want you to really convince people that your game is brilliant so you will need some super adjectives to describe your game. design-a-new-sport-activity-sheet

When you have finished your writing, read back and check you have all your full stops and capital letters. Go through your work and highlight all of your adjectives. If you have used the same one a lot (like ‘good’), then think of a different adjective to use instead.

You might want to have fun pretending you are filming an advert for your new game! How can you convince people to play it? What would your voice sound like?! Remember to include lots of facts about your new game. Is it easy to play or tricky?

Mrs Garcia x