Monday 22nd June

Hello everyone,

I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend and you enjoyed our diversity week last week.  I hope it gave you the opportunity for some good discussions and questions – it did for us in school.  You may have seen Mrs Pope’s post on the School News page asking for you to share any work or photos from last week – in particular if you have any good poems that you have written, please could you type them up and email them to me or Mrs Pope so we can add them to our display in school.

This week is Sports Week as it would have been our Sports Day in school.

Mrs Rowe and Mrs Garcia have devised learning tasks and fun challenges to do each afternoon – again please take photos of you and maybe your family competing in the challenges to add to our display.


For English this week I’d like to link it to our sports week.  For the first part of the week I’d like you to write a non-chronological report about your favourite sport.

Today please do some research about your favourite sport.  Your research may include:

In what country and when did the sport first begin?

Give a brief summary of the rules and aims of the game and any equipment that might be needed.

Talk about any particularly famous individuals or teams who play/have played that sport and what did they achieve?

How can children or adults get involved in that sport now?

Any other interesting facts you discover.

This page from the BBC might help with how to get into certain sports

Get Inspired

You can also look at this guide to Olympic Sports on the BBC Newsround site.


Please continue to work from the White Rose materials.  The links to all year groups materials can be found here

Afternoon Work

Please see the post from Mrs Garcia about a healthy diet and suggestions for a PE activity for today.

Most importantly find some time to get active today and have fun!

Mrs Hilditch x