Friday 26th June

Hi everyone,


It’s Friday – we made it to the end of another week of home schooling! Here is what we will be doing today.



In Room 4 we absolutely love making obstacle courses! Today I would like you to design your own obstacle course! So, have a think about the different items that you might like to include and list them down. It may be cups to weave around, chalk to draw arrows with, a ball to kick, a brick or a block to balance on – anything that you can come up with (that your grown up says you are allowed to use).

Make a list of all the items that you will need, and then use this to make your obstacle course!



For maths, you will need to complete your obstacle course. Have a stopwatch of some sort handy and time how long it takes you to complete your course. Can you complete it 5 times and see when your quickest time was? Maybe get everyone in your house to complete the course and see who can complete it in the quickest time! If you like, you can note the times down on the sheet below.


Time Challenge Sheet


Have a fab day and a lovely weekend everyone,

Miss Roberts x