Tuesday 16th June

Hi, everyone. Today is our second day of diversity week and today we are looking at what we mean by ‘stereotypes’.

Have a look through this activity sheet with an adult and have a chat about who the owner could be of each of the different bags. Have a chat about why you think this. There are no right or wrong answers to this activity; the purpose is to discuss initial assumptions about what ‘type’ of person we think owns what! For all we know, bag number 6 could belong to Mr Jones and bag 2 could belong to Gwyneth but how many of you automatically assumed that Mr Jones’ bag is number 5 and what was the thinking behind making this choice?! Challenging steretypes_ whose bag is it_


Read through the story of ‘Charlie the Firefighter’. Please note, this is an 18 page document so please only print if you feel it necessary: Charlie the Firefighter Story

Before they met Charlie in person, who were the children actually expecting to meet? What did they think Charlie looked like? Why were they surprised when Charlie took off her helmet? The message behind this story is that anybody can be anything they want to be when they are older, regardless of gender.

Look at the picture cards – again, only print if you need or want to! – and write down some words or phrases to describe the skills you need for some of them. job cards

Year 1 and Year 2 children, have a go at writing your ideas in full sentences please! Year 2 children: see if you can use some really good adjectives and use a comma to split them up in your sentence. Try also to use connectives like ‘because’, ‘so’, ‘if’ and ‘when’ in your sentences too. Here are some adjectives you could choose from:

interesting adjectives

What do you want to be when you are older? Why do you want to do this job? What skills will you need? Do you think this is a job that girls and boys could do when they are older? Why do you think this?


Yesterday, you collected some information – or data – about the hair colour of your friends and family. Use your tally chart to make a pictogram. You may wish to use the following resource and make a pictogram on paper: hair colour pictogram

If you chose your own hair colours to include in your tally chart yesterday, then these resources may be more appropriate for you: Hair Colour Cards Pictograph

Alternatively, you may like to use the computer to make your pictogram. Follow this link to access the free website, Junior Infant Tools – there is no signing up necessary and it’s really easy to use: https://www.j2e.com/jit5#pictogram

Click on ‘blank template’ and then on the word ‘faces’. When you are shown a menu of different faces, choose one with the hair colour you want and click on it. Move over to the blank chart and click again in an empty box above the word ‘label’. Keep doing this, choosing the hair colours you want until you have filled the boxes. You can add more if you need to. You should end up with something like this:

Next, click on where it says label and type in the colour hair that the face is representing. Then look at your tally chart and click on the ‘+’ sign until you have added the right amount of people with that colour hair. Finally, add a title to your chart. You should end up with something a bit like this, showing information that matches your tally chart:

Creative task

This afternoon, try to challenge yourself to do something new that you have never tried before. If you are a boy, have fun trying an activity which you may have thought is just for girls! If you are a girl, try something which you may think is really just for boys. Have a look at this list of suggested activities. Which of these things have you never done and why not? Now’s your chance to do something which may be slightly out of your usual comfort zone!




building a car or lorry with Lego

playing football

making jewellery – you could use beads, pasta, paper and string

wearing pink

reading one of your brother’s books if you are a girl

reading one of your sister’s books if you are a boy

dressing up like a pirate or a nurse

playing chess

You could also have a go at learning how to count up to 10 in a brand new language and then show off your new talent to a family member! How did it make you feel doing this for the first time?

Enjoy your day, everyone! x