Monday 15th June KS2

Welcome to our first day of our ‘diversity’ themed week!

Today we are looking at what we mean by diversity and recognising and celebrating differences between people. Start by watching this short video and consider all the ways in which people differ: Being Different is Beautiful

The video begins and ends with a picture of a rainbow. Where else have you seen rainbow pictures recently? You have most likely been on walks and seen many rainbow pictures in the windows of people’s houses. You may even have made a rainbow picture yourself. Why have so many people drawn or painted rainbows over the last few weeks? Have a chat about how the rainbow has represented light and hope in recent troubled times, and has promoted a feeling of unity and togetherness when people have had to be apart.


Watch this short clip: Is it okay to be different?

Have a chat about what makes you special and how you are different to other people. Maybe you have a special skill or talent. What are you particularly proud of about yourself? What makes you, you?!

Remind yourself what acrostic poems are by watching this short video: BBC Bitesize acrostic poem

Choose a word such as ‘SPECIAL’ or ‘UNIQUE’ and have a go at writing your own acrostic poem about yourself. The layout may look something like this:

example acrostic layout


Think about the people in your household, your family and your friends. Are you all the same shape and size?! Choose to either measure the size of different people’s feet or their hand span using a ruler or a tape measure. Write down the names of the different people and their measurement in centimetres. Measure both hands or feet of that person and try to include the measurements of at least 10 different people so you have 20 measurements altogether. You can choose to round your measurement if you wish.

If it is tricky getting enough measurements, you could always measure the height of teddies or toys! Try to do as many as you can.

Use this information to make a tally chart, organising your data carefully. You may want to have a look at this sheet, or even to use it: Example tally chart

Once you have created your tally chart, have a look at your data and write down three questions somebody could ask about it.

Creative task

Watch this short video of people from around the world carrying different flags: international flags Can you name any of these flags?

Have a read of the information about these different flags and think about these questions as you do so: world flags

Are any two flags exactly the same?

Why do you think certain colours have been chosen in the flag designs?

How do countries or organisations use different pictures, shapes or symbols in their flags?

Now have a go at designing your own flag to represent your own personality! What colours will you choose? Will you have shapes on it or maybe pictures? What pictures represent you? Design a flag

Have a fun day, everyone!