Friday 12th June

Hopefully by now you have read the school news so you will be aware that I will be moving to Year 6 with my class next year. I am really pleased with this as they really are a super bunch. During the themed week of transition I will go over in more detail about next year.

Today is the last post before we start the themed weeks – these should be really exciting. There is more news about these weeks and what will happen with other work in the main school news.

On a Friday we would normally have maths, English, PE and a library session.

For maths both white rose and bitesize follow exactly the same activities on a Friday. After clicking on the link there are lots of videos, quizzes and activities to complete.

For English I would like the children going to the blog section of this website and tell me (and everybody else) about their favourite subjects and say why. If they need a password they can ask for it on classroom

As it is the end of the week I would really like them to curl up with a book and take their time reading it. If they have just finished a book it would be good if they wrote a review of it as a blog and post it so others could see it.

For those that have been tackling the SATs questions there are some more to try:

Friday’s arithmetic

Friday’s reasoning

Friday’s grammar

If you have any questions please get in touch.