Friday 12th June

Good morning everyone.  I cannot believe it is Friday already! I hope you are all ready for today.

Here is your morning maths,  just a quick recap of your times tables.

Times Table Challenge

As lots of you enjoyed the maths mystery so much last week, I thought you may enjoy a different one this week.  Have a little look at this.

Maths Mystery


Today you are finishing off your animal reports.  You have chosen some fantastic creatures, well done.

Make sure you show you can use these features:

  • title
  • introduction
  • pictures
  • captions
  • subheadings
  • paragraphs
  • interesting facts

Make sure you include lots of lovely pictures too.


Today is spelling test day.  Let me know how you did with those mean spellings I picked.  Sorry everyone, I’ll be nicer next week…maybe!

If you have a little time, here is a phonics game you may enjoy playing.  It’s a bit like Monopoly only you get to practise your Letters and Sounds.

Phonopoly game

Friday afternoon is our music afternoon.

I thought this week we would look at hand clapping games.  They are great fun and good for spotting rhythms to keep you in time.

Have fun with this!

Have a lovely weekend everyone. Thank you for working so hard.

Next week is ‘Diversity Week’ and I know Mrs Garcia has planned lots of lovely things for us to do.  I will put spellings etc on the website for Monday for anyone who wishes to keep practising.

Keep me posted on how you are getting on.

Mrs Pope x