Thursday 11th June

On Thursday it is Maths, English and P.E.


The number for today is 54.

Then do the White Rose lesson 4. Today you are dividing by one hundred.



If you would like more work on this, work through the BBC Bitesize Yr 4 daily lesson on dividing one and two digit numbers by 100.

Think together

See if you can spot any patterns that could help you!


Please continue to follow your plan and write your story.

Thank you for all the amazing stories that some of you have sent me already. Lots of you are remembering to use fronted adverbials, repetition and are following the new speaker, new line rule.

It would be lovely, when you have finished them, if you could make them up into a book, complete with lots of drawings!


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks. I know some of you are doing this already.