The Bookbuzz Books from The Book Trust

Have a look at this fantastic list of books produced by The Book Trust:

Book Buzz Book List
This is a list of 20 great books that have been chosen particularly with Y7 and 8 pupils in mind. However, I know that many you would already enjoy many of these titles.

I have read 3 of the books on this list (A Darkness of Dragons, Crater Lake and Check Mates) and they were all really excellent. A Darkness of Dragons is a really interesting twist on The Pied Piper of Hamelyn traditional tale. Crater Lake is a bit like a Scooby Doo adventure for Y6 and above: it has loads of humour but also has some very tense moments, as well as some shocks and horrors! Check Mates is a brilliant story about a boy and his grandfather. The boy finds himself struggling to concentrate and do well in school, but he turns out to be great at chess. This story weaves together that special relationship between a child and their grandfather with some fascinating historical stuff thrown in too.

I spotted one book on this list which I was very drawn to (it might fall into my shopping basket at some point…). I wonder if you can guess which it is?