What are your favourite subjects?

So my first blog – not just here but anywhere.

I wanted to check up on you and this is a way that you can all tell me about something you enjoy.

I am sure you won’t be shocked to hear about my favourite subjects. I enjoy all subjects (which is a good job really isn’t it?) but I love history and maths.

I really enjoy history because I like finding out about the past and seeing how things have changed over time. If I could go back in time I would travel to meet:

I wouldn’t want to just meet the rich and famous as I would like to meet the people who built things, made things and lived a normal life. Is there a time in history you like? If you could meet anyone from the past who would it be?

My other passion is maths. Lots of people find this strange but I love the patterns you can find in maths. I always try to make maths as easy as possible and it frustrates me that my teachers at school didn’t do this.

My example of this is how to find percentages of a number. I was shown a way that works but is long. I prefer my way.

The long way:

30% of 40.

10% is the same as 1/10 so I have to divide 40 by 10. This equals 4 BUT I wanted 30% so I now have to multiply this by 3 so the answer is 12.

My way:

30% of 40

There are 2 zeros in the % sign so I am going to take these away and multiply what is left. 3 x 4 =12.

Tell me about your favourite subjects and why. I am sure you weren’t surprised by mine.