Thursday 11th June

Hi everyone. Our learning tasks today include maths, English and PSHE.


Today we are going to recap telling the time to the hour and to the half hour. Watch the short video to remind yourself of what a clock looks like when it is showing ‘o’clock’ or ‘half past’ and work through the short activities on the screen: o’clock and half past

Start by adding the hands to the clocks to show the right time: BusyAnt_y1_u12_w3_HG_2

Then have a go at working out the time if it is an hour or half an hour earlier or later: BusyAnt_y1_u12_w3_PG_S1

For those of you confident with o’clock and half past, this game allows you to have a go at quarter past and quarter to. I know some of you have been looking ahead to this: Hickory Dickory game


Today we are going to finish off our books by adding an index page.

To start with, make sure all of your other pages are finished. Read through them and make sure that you are happy with your work. Check you have used capital letters and full stops where you need them.

Add a page at the end of your book and give it the title of ‘index’. What are the key things that somebody reading your book would be learning about? Pick out the most important key words in your book. You may end up with the following in your list:

fruits, vegetables, root vegetables, seeds, seasons, trees

It’s quite likely you have other words you can use in your index too. When you have a list, think about the alphabetical order of the words you are using. Then, you need to look through your book, starting at the beginning, and write down what pages that word appears on. So if I was looking for the word ‘fruit’ or ‘fruits’ in my book, I would find it on page 3 and page 4. Have a look at my example index in my book to see how I laid this out.


Today we are going to think about where money comes from. Have a chat about this and see if you can come up with at least 3 different ideas of how people get money. Did you think of the following? Work or doing chores, fundraising, gift money/pocket money, selling things, winning the lottery?!

Next, think about all the things we need money for. There’s a good chance that when you’re doing this, you may think of things you want money for but that you don’t actually need! So make two lists: ‘things I need money for’ and ‘things I want money for’.

Finally, familiarise yourself with the different British coins. Using a selection of coins, have a look at what they have on either side of them. What shape are they? How much are they worth? Can you find out how old the coin is? Where does it tell you this? Arrange your coins in date order. Can you make pictures with the coins? How about making a picture with coins totalling 50p or £1?

Have a wonderful day, everyone. x