Wednesday 10th June


Please continue with lesson 3 White Rose


Today I would like you to really think about the character of Medusa.  Have a look at the picture and begin by labelling the picture or just listing ideas to describe what she looks like.   Think carefully about all the little details, use adjectives, similes, add relating clauses to add extra details and maybe you could even try to include a subordinate clause using I SAW A WABUB!

This helps us to remember the subordinating conjunctions we can use either in the middle of a sentence or at the beginning, to add an extra clause.  Remember, if you use one at the beginning, you need to use a comma to separate the clauses.

I SAW A WABUB stands for

If    since   as   when   although   while   after   before   until   because

I would like you to write a detailed description of Medusa that you can use later in the week. There are three different versions of a Medusa character here you can choose your favourite to describe or draw your own. Medusa


Have a go at either the free Born to Move session Here or Cosmic Kids Yoga