Monday 8th June

Hi everyone,

I hope you had a lovely weekend, it’s a shame the weather has gone a bit grey now isn’t it? Today we will be doing Understanding the World, Literacy and Maths. I hope you’re ready!


Understanding the World:

This week we are going to be learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly. To help you with this, I’ve got a PowerPoint and video for you to have a look at below.

Butterfly Life Cycle PowerPoint

Once you’ve had a look through this, can you discuss the different stages and what happens with your grown up? Then, I’d like you to use the sheet below to cut and stick the life cycle processes in the right order.

Butterfly Life Cycle



Using the sheet that you’ve just finished, can you please label each part of the life cycle with the following labels:

Egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly.



This week we are going to be doing some work on position and movement. Today I’ve got a treasure map for you! There are lots of pictures to glue onto the treasure map, but I’d like you to follow these instructions for where to stick each picture:

  • Put the parrot in the top right corner
  • Put the ship two squares underneath the parrot
  • Put the flag next to the ship
  • Put the skull and crossbones in the bottom left corner
  • Put the hat with the swords above the skull and crossbones
  • Put the palm tree next to the hat with the swords
  • Put the compass next to the parrot
  • Put the eye-patch in between the flag and the skull and crossbones
  • Put the hat with the skull and crossbones above the hat with the swords
  • Put the pirate in between the parrot and the ship
  • Put the gold coin above the palm tree
  • Put the treasure in the last place – can you describe where that place is?

Hopefully all the instructions make sense! The treasure map is below, or you could draw your own!

Treasure Map


I hope you all have a lovely day,

Miss Roberts x