Monday 8th

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. This week will follow the same pattern as last week. Each day there will be some maths, English and one other subject. Next week we will start our theme weeks which will run until the end of term so please keep looking for more details about this.

As mentioned last week I am now in school full time so I might be slower in responding to questions and work handed in. I will always try to catch up at lunchtime and straight after school at the latest.

White rose maths continues work on fractions. There is an activity sheet and if you want to check work there is an answer sheet. On the main news site there are links to other year groups if these are more appropriate for your child.

I would like to thank Mrs. Garcia for putting these links on.

Bitesize is being used for English. Today we are looking at using inverted commas or speech marks as more people will know it.

There are two videos

followed by a quiz and then two activities. Activity one and activity two. Activity two is differentiated so please choose an appropriate one. You can get to both links through the bitesize links but the above files will make it easier to print out.

Earlier in the year we studied the Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons. Bitesize has a nice link that recaps this but then gets the children to draw some art or treasure. Alternatively for art the children can use draw with Rob to try some of their own art. They might want to draw a self portrait.

A lot of the children started tackling the SATs questions last week to help with preparation for Year 6. The links are below. The idea behind posting these is that the children can see what is coming up and will hopefully be confident about next year.

Monday’s arithmetic  five questions from the 2017 Year 6 SATs paper.

Monday’s reasoning five questions from the 2017 Year 6 SATs paper.

Monday’s grammar five questions from the 2017 Year 6 SATs paper.

There will be five more tomorrow with each day going through the paper so they will get harder.

I wish everyone a good week. I am happy because football is starting again – I am easily pleased.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions @