Friday 5th June

Good morning everybody and happy Friday!

Morning Maths this morning is going back over the relationship between multiplication and division.  I know you are all really good at spotting the patterns.  Have a look at this sheet.

Morning Maths


I really enjoy a good mystery, I hope you enjoy solving ‘The Mystery of Dragonspire Castle’.  The answers are at the back of the booklet so no peeking!

Mystery at Dragon Spire Castle


I would like you to work through this PowerPoint all about using adverbs.

Adverb PowerPoint

Remember to click on the ‘Show Answers’ button to see if you got it right.


Today is spelling test day!  Let me know how you are get on.

Reading Comprehension.

Today I would like you to have a little look at a reading comprehension all about a little owl.

Reading Comprehension

This afternoon I thought it would be nice if we looked at how a selection of musical instruments are played.  On the PowerPoint below, you simply click on the instrument and watch the video of someone playing it.

Musical Instrument Video PowerPoint

So, having seen how all of these instruments are played, can you sort them into groups of those instruments that you strike, pluck, blow or shake.

Musical Instruments

I hope you have a lovely weekend, keep me posted on how you are all doing, it’s really lovely to hear from you.

Mrs Pope x