Wednesday 3rd June

Hello everyone,

Today we will be doing Maths, Forest School and Letters and Sounds.



Thinking about what you learnt yesterday about coins and money, I’ve got two different activities for you today. You can choose to complete both of them, or just one – it’s up to you entirely.

For this first sheet, you will need to cut out the coins and stick them next to the correct value. Unfortunately I couldn’t find a coloured version of this, so perhaps to start off with you could colour in the coins in the correct colour?

Coin Recognition

Or if you would rather, can you complete this one where you will need to put the coins in order of their value from lowest to highest? If you haven’t got a printer then you could just do this with real money instead.

Coin Ordering


Forest School:

Today I though you might want to go on a minibeast hunt! It’s always exciting to lift up stones, logs and plant pots (with help from a grown up!) to see what you might find underneath. Remember our Forest School rule though, always put it back where it was – we wouldn’t like it if someone took the roof off our house and didn’t put it back on!

Have a search in your garden for whatever you can find, or challenge yourself by seeing how many you can find from the list below.

Minibeast Hunt Checklist


Letters and Sounds:

Today I was hoping you could watch another lesson from the DfE Letters and Sounds page on YouTube. Either choose from the Reception or learning to blend lessons. I hope you get on alright with these!


I hope you all have a lovely day again today,

Miss Roberts x