Tuesday 2nd June

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a good day getting back to school work yesterday. Today we will be doing Literacy, Maths and Letters and Sounds.



Today we are going to continue our learning about minibeasts and we are going to do some labelling. Have a look at the picture of a dragonfly below and see if you can read all of the different parts. Some words you should be able to sound out, others you might have to ask a grown up to help you with.

Dragonfly Example

Did you know what each part of the dragonfly was? Were there any words that you didn’t know before? Using what you learnt about the dragonfly, can you now have a go at labelling a bee. I have included the words to use at the bottom so you can choose if you copy them, or if you have a go at sounding them out yourselves.

Labelling a Bee

If you want to, you could even draw another minibeast to label if you fancy!



This week we are going to do a little bit about money. Have a look at any coins you have in your house and think about the following questions:

What numbers can you see on it?

What colour is it?

How many sides does it have?

How big is it?

Then with your grown up, talk about the different coin values e.g. 1p, 2p, 5p etc.

Can you sort all the coins so that the 1ps are together, all the 2ps are together etc.?

If you don’t have many coins in your house (I know we don’t tend to have as much change around anymore) then you can have a go at this game where you can have a look at the coins and sort them out.



Letters and Sounds:

Today I would like you to have a go on Phonics Play to recap those Phase 3 sounds we have learnt. Maybe have a go at playing ‘Make a Match’ today.



Have a lovely day!

Miss Roberts x